Author: Joel S. Goldsmith
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
It is not easy to shut out the world and enter the inner sanctuary of your being, but if you have to do this and stay away from the world for a year, or seven years, it is worth it because when you find God you will find life eternal. Then you will never die. You may pass from view, but you will never die, nor will you ever again be anxious; and no matter what the human appearance or circumstance may be.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
No matter how scientists may theorize as to the origin of life, eventually they amve at a point that defies explanation because beyond the appearance of everything visible is an Infinitude, a Something that we call Consciousness or Life, and this Infinity is expressing Itself as all form, as the world and everything in it.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
The responsibility of a spiritual student is great. No one else has quite the same responsibility as do those of us on the mystical path, because we cannot rely on the hope of most Christians that Jesus' dving on the Cross will save us from all the penalties for our sins, or that our minister, the confessional, the mass, or church attendance will take away our burden. We cannot lean on any system or person.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
The karmic law does not have to be worked out generation after generation unless we choose it so. In other words, if we decide to cling to our humanhood, we can be assured that the karmic law is continuing to operate, but any moment we choose to do so we can come out from among them and be separate and apart. Then the past is past— done away with.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
We should not be too discouraged if we do not see the fruitage of our spiritual activity instantaneously because we have generations of humanhood and numanness to cast out of our system.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
To sow to the Spirit does not mean becoming ascetics; it does not mean giving up our work, our profession, our home, or our family. It has nothing to do with what we do externally: it has to do with what is going on in our consciousness white our mind and body are performing their functions on the outer plane
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
Always, we are thinking something: we are either knowing the truth or not knowing the truth; we are either thinking spiritual thoughts or carnal thoughts. Always, we are either placing our faith, hope, and trust in the Infinite Invisible that is within our very own being or in something covered with silver and gold, or of a fleshly nature. In one way or another, we are setting in motion the law that in the end either rewards or punishes us.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
What we accept in our mind as being real and as having power is what determines the kind of sowing we are doing. The more power we E»ve to persons or to things, the more we are sowing to the flesh, and the more corruption we reap. The more attention we give to abiding 'n the Word, the more we dwell on the truth that there is a Spirit of God in us which teaches, feeds, supports, maintains, and transports ^, the more we are letting the Christ, Truth, abide in us, and the more We are abiding in It.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
There may be a thousand oranges on an orange tree, but there is only one Life. So, too, there are millions of people on earth, but there is only one Life, there is only one Self on earth, and that One is God, Spirit: your Self and my Self.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
The real nature of God is express Himself, to express His qualities, character, and nature as a harmonious universe.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
Most people of the world believe that the evils they experience have come upon them because of their sins of omission or commission. Essentially this is true. But because they also believe that God has inflicted these evils upon them as a punishment, they have been cheated of the opportunity of avoiding them in the future. As long as they believe that God, for any reason whatsoever, would sink a ship, let an airplane fall, or permit children or adults to be mangled, lost, drowned, or suffer disease, they cheat themselves of the opportunity of learning why these ills have come upon them, and what they can do to prevent them from touching their households.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
Certainly, I can trust myself more to the care of divine Love than I can to my own finite sense of love which is not even as a grain of sand in comparison with the nature of that Love which is God.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
We do not have to do or think anything to release the kingdom of God into the world: we only have to know that it is, and be still. It will do its own work.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
True, we may use words and thoughts to lift ourselves into an atmosphere where we can be still, but the words and thoughts we are using are not prayer: they are merely aids to lift us to the heights where prayer can be experienced.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
No one who believes he is man or woman has even begun to suspect spiritual truth.
added by: admin   from: A Parenthesis In Eternity
The kingdom of God is without limitation or boundary, and all the truth that has been given to the world in the past thousands of years is but a thimbleful in comparison with what there is yet to be discovered. No one has yet experienced even one-millionth of what has already been revealed.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
When we hear that Voice, we need not concern ourselves about protection against bombs; we need not concern ourselves with depressions or recessions. One thing alone then concerns us: the ability to be still and let God manifest and express Himself as the still small Voice within us.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
We need to understand the simple little truth that the still small Voice is the power that destroys the illusions of this world. That understanding does not consist of our having a power to do something to error: It consists of the truth that no power is needed to destroy error because error has within itself the elements of self-destruction. We bear witness to that as we stand and look at the unfruitful tree and watch as it withers. We do not wither it: Its own barrenness withers it. So error is dissolved as we sit in quietness and stillness, a witness to the divine Power, and watch as harmony descends upon all around us.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
The world is to be saved by My Spirit, but this Spirit operates only through the consciousness of a person who opens himself to It. Therefore, it is our responsibility to become a spiritual rock upon which the harmony of our neighborhood and community, even of our nation, can rest.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
The spiritual word cannot penetrate the human mind; but we can and will help the world rise above war and disease by being the light in our own family, not preaching to them or trying to force them into our way of thinking, but by holding our peace within ourselves and retiring from the battle between good and evil, by going within and realizing that only in the degree that we resist not evil can the peace that passes understanding descend upon us.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
God functions through individual consciousness, and that becomes our consciousness when we have learned to be still enough to hear the thunder of the Silence. (...) If necessary, let us sit in a chair all day and all night, until the Spirit of the Lord is upon us and dwells in us.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
God does not impart His glory to another; therefore, let us not attempt to be spiritually powerful, but be spiritually humble and let God's grace perform Its functions through us and as us.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
We can stand still and think no thoughts -- just be receptive and let God's thoughts flow to us and permeate our being. And then our work will be accomplished. But I must remind you that Spirit is never working for us. It is working in and through us as we yield and surrender ourselves — even our thoughts so that God can take over.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
In His presence there is fullness of life -- nothing is absent. When we have God's presence, we have God appearing as food, as clothing, as housing. But there is one requirement: to have His presence -- not meaningless affirmations or the mouthings of the deep truths of Scripture, but His presence.
added by: admin   from: The Thunder of Silence
Is asking God for things an indication that we understand God to be Intelligence and Love, or do not such requests imply that we believe God is withholding something from us? Can we really be concerned about food, clothing, or anything in this world when we have the direct assurance that our heavenly Father knows that we have need of all these things?
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