From: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
A wise man is not grave but he appears so because he is not shallow. He does not laugh, his laughter is not that of a shallow man. At the most he smiles – even that is too much. In fact he need not even smile because his whole being is filled with so much beauty, with so much beatitude, with so much happiness, that he need not. (...) Watch a shallow river, it makes much noise. A deep river moves as if it doesn’t move, no noise – not because it is not moving. It is moving, but it is so deep that the noise doesn’t reach you. A wise man laughs in the deepest core of his being. It doesn’t reach his lips.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
The people who laugh most are really sad inside; by laughing they hide the sadness, by laughter they try to befool themselves that they are happy. People who laugh loudly almost always have deep wounds within them. They don’t want to go into those wounds.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Because life is very shy, it hides from people who are aggressive. It reveals itself only to those who persuade it in a very subtle and indirect way.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Somebody says to you, “When I go swimming in the river, it is so beautiful and I feel so happy and relaxed just floating on the water under the sun. I forget every worry, I forget every tension and I am so relaxed the world doesn’t exist. I feel so happy, such a deep bliss comes to me through it.” And your greed arises, and you say, “Then I will also try.” (..) You go to the river, but your mind is continuously thinking and hankering for happiness. You don’t look at the river. You are not sensitive, you are just greedy. You move into the river, but you simply feel tired and not relaxed. You swim, but you are constantly asking, “Where is that happiness you were talking about? I see the sun, I see the river, I see the winds moving, but where is that happiness you were talking about?” (...) Forget yourself and forget your greed and forget the goals – and when the goal is forgotten the target is attained.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Your questions are like a person who is in a delirium, whose fever has gone very high. He is reaching one hundred eight, one hundred nine, one hundred ten, and he is in delirium. Then he says, “Everything is moving, the table is flying in the sky.” And he asks, “Where is this table going?” What to say to him? Whatsoever you say will be wrong, because the table is not going at all. And you cannot convince the man that the table is not going anywhere, it is just in the room, not moving at all. That will not convince him because you cannot convince anybody against his own experience.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
A man of knowledge is always blind, argumentative; he is always right and the other is always wrong. He is always discussing; his discussions become disgusting. He is always arrogant and always on the defensive. He cannot understand anybody. (...) How can this be possible? This whole world – so many consciousnesses, so many ways of looking at life – all wrong, only you are right? This seems to be a very, very arrogant and violent outlook. A man of understanding understands that somehow everybody has to be right in some sense or other.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
The world is muddy. How will you find repose in it? How will you find peace in it? By lying still. Don’t do anything, don’t try to purify it, otherwise you will muddle it more. Just lie down on the bank, wait. By lying still it becomes clear on its own accord. Don’t be worried about transforming the world; don’t be worried about changing others. Who are you? And who has sent you on this mission to change others? Everybody is directly related to the divine. Why are you there to interfere? Just sit silently.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
What miracle had Rinzai done? The disciple said, “When he felt hungry he ate and when he felt sleepy he slept. That’s the only miracle that he did.”  (...) You are always fighting. When you feel hungry you don’t eat because a thousand and one other things have to be done; when you don’t feel hungry you eat because now is the time to eat. When you feel sleepy you avoid it because there is a dance worth going to, or a movie worth seeing. When you feel sleepy you are sitting in the movie. When you don’t feel sleepy, because the movie has excited you too much, now you try to go to sleep and you have to take tranquilizers.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
When death knocks at your door you will tremble, because the life harmony has not yet been achieved, and death has come. You have not lived life, and death has come. You are as yet incomplete, in fact unborn, and death has come. You tremble. A man who has lived his life, one who has lived his day, always accepts death beautifully because there is nothing left to be done anymore. He has done all, he has lived all and he moved in all directions. All that life could give he had accumulated in himself. He has accumulated the honey of life, now he is ready to die.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
A radical, a foundational, a fundamental question is never asked by the mind. The mind cannot ask it; the mind is impotent about it. The mind is just like the waves on the ocean. Can you ask me which wave is the deepest? No wave is, no wave can be, because waves can exist only on the surface, they cannot be in the depth. In the depth there are no waves.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Don’t move too much to one side, otherwise the balance will be lost, and imbalance is the only sin for Lao Tzu. To be balanced is to be virtuous, to be imbalanced is to be in sin.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
To be extraordinary is the disease of the ego.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Questions may be millions – the answer is one. There is only one answer, the answer, and that is self-knowledge.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
When I bring your questions out I’m not saying put my answers in the places left vacant by the questions – no. Throw away my answers also as you throw away your questions, otherwise my answers will create troubles for you. Don’t carry my answers, they are only therapeutic. They are like thorns: they can be used to bring other thorns out, then both have to be thrown away.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Profundities are dangerous, and listened to by ignorant people they can become very, very dangerous. Joined with your stupidity, a profundity can become a very great fall.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
It is not that you are simply borrowing somebody else’s know-how and accumulating it in the mind. No, you yourself have come to encounter it. In this sense it is direct, more direct than knowledge.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
A wise man falls in love only once, then he knows everything about it. He penetrates the whole mystery, he lives the whole mystery of it, he moves into its world, but so totally that not even a corner is left unlived. Then he comes out of it. Then there is no question of falling in love again – he has lived and he has known. He has become wise through experience. A foolish man will repeat the same thing again and again and again, and will never be able to learn anything from it.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
A wise man only knows one thing: that he does not know. A man of knowledge knows a thousand and one things and knows that he knows – and therein lies the foolishness of the man of knowledge. He goes on accumulating facts unlived by himself: theories, words, philosophies – untouched by his own being. He goes on accumulating them in his memory. He becomes a vast reservoir of knowledge, he becomes an Encyclopaedia Britannica, but a dead thing.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
People have the idea that if you can’t do something relevant, then do something irrelevant, but don’t sit idle.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
But we are so afraid of emptiness. People come to me and say it is so difficult to be alone because one starts feeling one’s emptiness. Then you seek friends, then you seek lovers, and the whole effort from the very beginning is doomed – because a man who is afraid of his emptiness cannot really love. He is afraid. Deep down there is fear. How can he love? When he moves and pretends that he is in love with somebody he is just trying to escape from himself, his own emptiness. He is trying to forget that somewhere inside there is emptiness and nothingness. He is trying to fill that emptiness with somebody’s presence – and the other is also doing the same.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Holy comes from the same root as whole.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
A smile can stay forever – not laughter. So you can find a buddha smiling but not laughing. He knows the art of how to keep balance.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
You are a part of this vast whole, of this cosmos. How can you be independent? You have to depend on millions, for millions of things. You have to depend on the sun for light, on the sun for life, you have to depend on the air for life, on the oxygen, you have to depend on the trees for food. How can you be independent? You cannot. That is an egoistic effort and is bound to fail.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Buddha is not the founder of Buddhism – no. His disciples are the founders. Jesus is not the founder of Christianity – no. His apostles are the founders. Mahavira is not the founder of Jainism. Gautam, his disciple, who was a scholar and great pundit, was.
words by Osho
added by: admin   from: Absolute Tao - Tao, The Three Treasures
Lao Tzu is not a religious man in the ordinary sense. He is not a theologian. He is not a religious man at all in the way you understand the word. He has never gone to the temple, never worshipped, because he found that the whole existence is the temple and all of life is the worship.
words by Osho
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